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Here you will read about what you need to do and have to build your springboard. I like the term springboard because it brings the image of you jumping into water. The water is deep, and you will not know how warm or cold it is until you are submerged. You are the body of water.Jumping off a springboard makes most of us a little nervous. This is another reason why I like the term because you probably feel nervous right now. You probably are not sure if you even want to continue. Stay with me, though, and you will be glad you did when you start to see a difference in your life.
When you jump off a springboard into a pool of water, there is a place that is your peak high. The peak represents the places in your mind where you are most likely to pretend. These are places that we all have where pretend we are better than other people. We pretend we are someone we are not, say/do something that we know is not right, or want something that we know we should not have.
The following is informed by:
- What I have found to work in my life, and in the lives of the many people whom I have helped through the process of living more complete lives.
- What I have learned from people who are certified in particular areas such as nutrition.
- What I know from my formal education.
- Spiritual.
- Physical.
- Mental/Emotional.
Begin by thinking about the people who are close to you. These are the people whose opinions you value. Spend as much time as you need to evaluate the relationships that you have with each because they will have an impact on your success or failure. These relationships will also provide great insight into who you are right now.
At the same time if you do not already, you will need to begin silent meditation on a regular basis. In addition, start keeping a daily journal of your thoughts and feelings. Keep track of your dreams as well. You can do this in a dream log that you will keep by your bed.
NOTE: Do not worry if you have not remembered your dreams in the past.
- A composition notebook for your daily journal.
- Pen.
- Quiet place to sit alone.
- A composition notebook for your dream log.
- A way to keep track of time (stop watch, timer).
Begin by thinking about how you feel in your body right now. How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Do you avoid looking in mirrors? Are you taking medications that may affect how you feel physically? Do you exercise regularly? Does your routine include both cardio and strength training? How much do you consider nutrition when planning your meals for the week?
Remember that it is important to consult with your doctor before starting any type of physical activities. Also, if you are under a doctor's care for a particular reason, follow your doctor's instructions.
NOTE: You may find that you have been living with allergic reactions to particular foods.
- Comfortable clothing (cotton, easy to wash).
- Comfortable tennis shoes (for running and gym).
- A composition notebook to jot down everything you eat daily.
- Pencils.
- Athletic socks.
Think about the last time you tried to turn something around in your life. Were you trying to lose weight? Free yourself from a 'bad' habit? Leave a hurtful relationship? What got in the way of you succeeding? As you turn your life around, and incorporate new ways of eating and living, challenges will come.
They will come in the form of invitations to socialize with family, friends, and colleagues. They will come in needing the comfort that you had with some of your old habits. Your new mental state that I will help you develop will be crucial to you being able to successfully navigate the challenges that are sure to come.
NOTE: Comfort food is a particular challenge, because you may not be aware of what foods fall in this category for you.
- A way to keep track of the things you say to yourself (composition book, voice recorder, etc...).
At this point, concentrate on setting the foundation for your springboard. Later you will learn about the importance of form when lifting weights. When starting, a weight trainer does not worry about how much she is lifting. Instead, the weights are the last to consider. Form/foundation is all important and determines success or failure later on. This is where you are focused on your form.
From My PowerLife to Yours,
2012 |
2012. All rights reserved.